Duncan Davidson
Tuesday, September 29, 2020


⛅ The weather has shifted here in Berlin and we’re now truly into the fall season and need to break out the hoodies and jackets for daily use. That means whenever the sun is out, it’s essential to get outside for a few hours. Every bit counts with the looming dark season coming on combined with a probable resurgence in COVID-19 cases which will likely bring on new restrictions.

💸 There’s so much in the New York Times report of Trump’s tax information over two decades that should sink him, and would have sunk any previous politician, including this gem: “Should he win re-election, his lenders could be placed in the unprecedented position of weighing whether to foreclose on a sitting president.” Alas, I don’t think that many of Trump’s supporters give a damn what they read in the Times. Fox News seems determined to swamp the coverage with stories about the upcoming debate.

👍 The New Yorker’s endorsement of Joe Biden lays out the case why he must win. And what he’ll need to do next: “If he wins the Presidency, he will have to govern with boldness, urgency, tenacity, and creativity. In the face of such challenges, realism and radicalism are not so far apart. Raging fires and rising seas will not respond to pallid proclamations.”

📅 35 days to go. Do you have a plan for your vote yet? CNET has links to how to track your ballot after you’ve mailed it in for all fifty states. I used the Oregon My Vote search page to confirm my ballot being sent to me in Berlin and will be tracking its return. Closely.