I’m getting spoiled by my days here on the beach. Long morning walks, at least most mornings. Chill, relaxed days on the patio of our rented house. Late afternoons at the beach after most people have packed it in for the day, leaving more than enough room to enjoy the water in peace. It’s almost enough to forget about work and the pile of email that’s waiting for me in my work inbox.
😍 I was so happy to see Barack Obama speak out so clearly yesterday, and call it like it is: democracy’s very existence in America is in jeopardy. Usually, saying something like that would be hyperbolic American political theater at a national convention, but not this year. This year matters. Four years ago, the American people were manipulated into an election result that has done amazing damage to so much.
“170,000 Americans dead, millions of jobs gone, our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished and our democratic institutions threatened like never before… What we do these next 76 days will echo through generations to come.” —Barack Obama
The nature of American politics is that the people that make it to the top of the party tickets likely aren’t our first choice for the job. In elections past, maybe it made sense to send a protest message by voting for a third party candidate or to not vote at all. This time for sure, however, that’s a loosing strategy for all of us.
A vote not cast is a certain vote for the death of democracy in America. Please, make sure your vote is cast and counted.