🏖 We’ve changed locations from Pelion (Πήλιο) to Halkidiki (Χαλκιδική). Our house is out of the way, and we have access to an out of the way beach few know how the almost hidden turn off to from the main road to take. In otherwords, we’ve found a perfect place to sequester ourselves for a while. The downsides: <10Mb/s DSL; usually just a bar or so of 3G service; and the lack of ability to have loads of friends visit due to the circumstances.
I can handle that. For a little while, at least.
🇺🇸 A frequent topic with the people I do talk with here in Europe? America. If I could put all of the brilliant thoughts I’ve had on the topic down, I couldn’t even hope at expressing the way things are as a cohesively as Dave Wade does in his article, The Unraveling of America:
COVID-19 didn’t lay America low; it simply revealed what had long been forsaken. As the crisis unfolded, with another American dying every minute of every day, a country that once turned out fighter planes by the hour could not manage to produce the paper masks or cotton swabs essential for tracking the disease. The nation that defeated smallpox and polio, and led the world for generations in medical innovation and discovery, was reduced to a laughing stock as a buffoon of a president advocated the use of household disinfectants as a treatment for a disease that intellectually he could not begin to understand.
No matter what happens in November, no matter what happens in January, there’s no going back.
🥖 On the other hand, maybe it’s too easy to be pessimistic. A lot of us who watch startups have been super pessimistic about the effects of the pandemic. Yet, the worst never came. I love Cyan Banister’s quote in the article: “People made enough bread and grew enough gardens and decided to start working on a start-up now.”